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“Staying Safe at the Dentist: How Infection Prevention Works”

When you visit the dentist, it’s important to know that they take steps to keep you safe from infections. Here’s how they do it:

Clean Hands, Clean Tools:

Dentists and their team always wash their hands before treating you. They also make sure all their tools and equipment are clean and sterilized.

Covering Up:

 You might see your dentist and the staff wearing masks, gloves, and sometimes even goggles. This is to protect both you and them from spreading germs.

Clean Environment:

The dental office is kept clean and tidy. They use special cleaners to wipe down surfaces and keep everything germ-free.

Safe Disposal:

After using tools and materials on you, they’re either disposed of safely or cleaned thoroughly for the next patient.

Spit Suckers:

 Ever wonder what that tube is for in your mouth? It’s called a saliva ejector, and it helps keep your mouth dry during treatment, which reduces the spread of germs.

Less Waiting:

 Dental offices often try to minimize the time you spend in the waiting room to reduce contact with other patients.

Your Part Too:

 Remember, you play a role too! Always let your dentist know if you’re feeling unwell or have any symptoms of sickness before your appointment.

Why It Matters:

 By following these steps, dental offices can help prevent the spread of infections like colds, flu, and even more serious ones. It keeps everyone safe and healthy. So next time you’re at the dentist, know that they’ve got your back when it comes to infection prevention and control!